On behalf of the eHealth Technologies Cares Committee, we’d like to thank everyone who has participated and donated to our various causes this holiday season. We appreciated all the food and personal items donated to local organizations and know we are making a positive impact within our communities! For the Pittsburgh office – please note that we are extending our donation drive for the Ronald McDonald House – if you are interested in donating, click here for their wish list.

There is still time to donate to the Ronald McDonald House in Johnson City, Tennessee. Our goal is to raise a total of $2,000 so the organization can purchase 10 new TVs for their newly renovated house. If we collectively raise $1,000 as a team, eHealth Technologies will match the rest! Donations are being accepted until Monday, December 31.

To donate, visit https://www.rmhsa.org/donate. Click on the blue “donate” button and select a donation amount. Under the program tab, select “eHealth Technologies”. Complete all information with red stars and submit,

The Ronald McDonald House is dedicated to improving the health and well-being of children and providing the opportunity for families to be by their child’s bedside as they face life-saving medical situations.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at Cares.Committee@eHealthTechnologies.com. We wish you a fantastic holiday season!

The Cares Committee