I want to thank everyone for living our values and helping thousands of patients to get the care they needed last month. It’s wonderful to hear such positive feedback from our customer success team on behalf of our clients – keep up the great work! I hope that everyone truly appreciates the positive impact that they are having on patients and their families.

We are making great progress against our strategic plan and our 2022 objectives and key results.

eHealth Technologies is focused on advancing the delivery of life altering care. We have defined clear objectives and set aggressive key results for 2022 and as of July 31st are forecasting to deliver on eight out of 10 with only slight misses in gross margin and employee retention. YTD, eHealth Technologies:

Improved productivity and reduced costs to continue to fuel innovation and future growth.

We improved the EBITDA margin with seven consecutive months of positive EBITDA resulting in a YTD margin of 4% with the goal of 10% for 2022. We improved gross margin to 41% at the end of July and are now forecasting 50% by the end of the year against a plan of 55%. This miss was caused by a product development delay in automation.

Delivered on customer expectations.

We improved customer NPS to +56 against a plan of +50 for 2022. Customer satisfaction is currently at risk due to high turnaround times for select customers as a result of a delay in automation which resulted in Operations being temporarily understaffed and challenged to keep up with an increased demand. We advanced the delivery of life-altering care by supporting 202K patients YTD with the goal to support 350K+ patients in 2022.

Grew through expansion within existing, addition of new customers and addition of new products/markets.

We already closed $10.6M in bookings YTD with a goal to close $15.3M in 2022. We grew revenue to $19M YTD with the goal of $36M in 2022 – a 30% growth. We increased customer logos to 111 with the goal of 112 by the end of 2022. We are adding new product/market capabilities and already delivered $213K from new products/markets YTD with a goal to deliver $500K in 2022.

Built a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and high-performing culture.

We improved employee retention rate to 81% YTD and are now forecasting 76% by the end of the year against a plan of 80%. This miss is due to a higher first quarter attrition than expected. We established eNPS of +8 and put plans in place to improve eNPS to +16 by the end of 2022.

Overall, I see great promise in our collective progress towards our 2022 goals so far. I appreciate everyone’s hard work and commitment to advancing the delivery of life-altering care.