
Hello team,

Did you know that April is National Donate Life Month? This celebration was established by Donate Life America and its partnering organizations to help raise awareness about donation and encourage individuals to register as organ, eye, and tissue donors to honor those that have saved lives through the gift of donation.

As a leading health care technology and analytics company, we recognize clinical teams everywhere as they continue their dedicated work to help honor the gift of donation and save the lives of those waiting for a second chance at life. We’re also honored to help many of those clinical teams be successful in their mission, by helping thousands of transplant patients each year be seen as quickly as possible.

In honor of National Donate Life Month, we encourage you to visit your respective website below to learn more about this worthy cause:

US: https://donatelife.net/

India:  https://www.organindia.org

To celebrate and bring awareness to this cause, we invite you to answer three questions for a chance to win an eHealth Technologies SWAG basket!

How to Participate:

Send an email to the Cares Committee by copying and pasting the three questions below, and highlighting your answer:

  1. Did you visit the website above? Yes/No
  2. Were you already an organ donor? Yes/No/Prefer Not to Say
  3. Did you sign up to be an organ donor today? Yes/No/Prefer Not to Say

Please note that you will be entered to win the SWAG basket regardless of your answers to the questions above.

Thank you!

Cares Committee


