Improve security around remote workforce solutions

Hybrid and remote work models present a new type of attack endpoint. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations adopted new platforms to enable remote work, but many have not secured these platforms to the necessary level to mitigate their risks.

When employee home offices are secure and up to date, it not only improves the stability and end user experience but also helps protect your organization’s data, infrastructure, access and solidity. Plus, your organization can feel more confident in adopting robust and extensive cloud-based solutions, which are becoming increasingly necessary to operate and compete in a digital world.

So how do you improve security for remote workers?

Next steps

  • Create and enforce policies around home-office networks: Make sure home office wireless networks have the most up-to-date security patches and protocols. Limit smart devices (e.g., temperature controls, smart TVs, IOT devices) to a separate network. Enforce VPN, encryption, multi-factor authentication and other security measures for all devices touching the company network.
  • Create policies around physical company assets: Employees should physically secure tangible company assets (e.g., paperwork, laptops and other company-owned property) in their home office. All company equipment should be used for the express and sole use of company business. And all decommissioned company equipment should be properly sanitized and disposed of (e.g., formatting and sanitizing old equipment).
  • Don’t forget these other policies: Do not permit default passwords for home devices and user accounts. Ensure your policies cover remote data backup. And be sure to make security awareness training mandatory in your policies and at least an annual occurrence.